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Government of Manitoba
International Education

"Imaine Education au/in Canada" Workshop - Portland

Date of Event: Oct 29 2013         Sub-Sectors: All

Venue: Offices of Honorary Consul
Location: Portland
Country: United States
Region: North America
Status: confirmed
Contact: Kevin Cook, Trade Commissioner
Contact Email: [email protected]
The Canadian Trade Commissioner Service (TCS) in the United States invites Canadian education institutions to participate in the Portland "Imagine Education au/in Canada" Workshop on October 29th, 2013. The TCS in the United States is once again offering its support to Canadian educational institutions who want to recruit students from the United States.

The event will highlight Canada as a viable and preferred study destination and will allow Canadian institutions to present their study programs. The event will also provide an opportunity for participants to obtain information on the Canadian education experience as well as on scholarships and immigration.

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